
Resolute Technologies is an ISO 17025:2017 Accredited Testing Laboratory. As an accredited laboratory, we maintain a quality, calibration, and maintenance system that follows the strict guidelines of ISO 17025. It is this accreditation that reassures our customers that they are getting the highest levels of quality, competency and accuracy when contracting to do testing with us.


Resolute Technologies is accredited by International Accreditation Service to ISO/IEC-17025:2017 and is designated as TL-438. This accreditation shows that our quality manual and all pertaining documentation and test methods are compliant with international standards requirements as outlined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Our accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 general requirements for competence of testing and calibration laboratories, not only covers the technical capabilities of the lab, it involves all areas or our business. To be accredited to ISO 17025 also means that our quality management system is in full compliance with ISO 9001.

Resolute Technologies accreditation to ISO 17025 shows that the extensive training of our staff members ensures the testing performed is in accordance with industry standards and is done with competence, precision and accuracy. Our commitment to only use the latest state of the art equipment and to maintain a clean highly controlled laboratory environment ensures the data we produce is true and accurate.

Certificate Of Accreditation
Resolute-tech-accreditation Resolute-tech-accreditation